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What Are You Saying Without Saying Anything?

It’s a cliche but it’s true…

Actions speak louder than words.

When you’re personal training your clients, odds are they will know if you’re giving them your full attention or not. If you’re distracted, tired, or bored there really is no hiding it from them - and it begs the question of whether or not you truly love working with people.

You might be thinking, “Well they don’t mind because we have a great relationship” (which is a cop-out) but don’t forget that others are always watching! One of those others could be your next consistent client.

They’ll never know how intelligent you are, how well programmed your workouts can be and what results you can provide them because you aren’t acting the part - an essential part of perceived value of working with you.

If you’re actions don’t scream “highly professional personal trainer,” you’re letting potential clients (and money) walk right out your door.

Unfortunately, it’s all too common to see less than ideal behavior from Personal Trainers. Not only does this do a disservice to their clients, but also to the entire Fitness Professional field.

Here are somethings you should absolutely not do during a personal training session...

Trainers, we know you're tired - fake it.

Put your phones away.

If you're bored, you're doing something wrong.

Pay attention to your clients and don't get distracted by others in the gym.

Remember, your body language communicates a huge message to your clients and those around you. Being present with your clients, engaged in their sessions and active through their workouts will keep them as longer-term clients and most likely add some new ones to your book as well.

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